Who is this dude? - in fact this is an interdimensional half-god sorcerer, using the power of his divine domain as the source of his magical power.
The story of this guy is simple - Beliat is a half-god who has lost his domain (the domain of the undertakers/gravediggers for the race of gods - from there is "the Solargrave Keeper" nicname) and connected his destiny in service to another - the goddess of path, clarity and reason. This goddess of reason in anger catharsis was reborn in Goddess of Blind Wrath.
Now he, in obedience to a sense of duty, seeks help goddess find peace.
I tried to express the ability of the character to navigate in the plans of being through an implanted map of stars in his body. And i tried to convey the history of his ministry in the form of iconography on his raincoat.