Once a trickster and annoyance amongst the gods, Huehuecoyotl awakens to the prayers of the weak and oppressed. The shapeshifter enters the world as a champion with one hindrance: she must hide within a compassionate young man.

Concept Sheet

Final Illustration

Personal Details
Joel Arturo Portillo (Chemsem)

Hello everyone. I've been here for a while but have not participated in anything worthwhile. Sorry about that. I've included a sheet of different faces that I sketched for the character of Huehuecoyotl. Originally, the Aztec trickster god was an annoyance among people and gods. The god's form could take either male or female. For this variation, I decided to play with the Zorro or Robin hood type along with making the character female. One of the first manga/anime I came to enjoy was Rumiko Takahashi's (sp?)Ranma 1/2. So this character (in accordance with the god's dual form) takes the form of a young man(teen) and erupts during action scenes in her true form. If I were writing the story, I'd have them talk to themselves (in essence each other) but never truly knowing what the other looks like. I guess I'm a romantic at heart.

Very nice sketches! I'm interested to see where you'll take this concept . She seems like she'll be a pretty fun character. :smile:

Design sketches are pretty interesting. Keep it up!

Thanks. My next batch will include some clothing designs and body proportion explorations. I hope they stay interesting for my sake as well.

Attire exploration with body proportions. I'm still having a hard time settling on the body itself. The trickster god was considered very sensual but a coyote is also very agile. So I'm not sure if to use a tall, voluptuous form (adult) or a teen's more agile one instead. I also added a child version too. Maybe I'll use all three. I explored about four closing options on all of them. I can always mix and match once I settle on the body. All forms will include a braid in her hair to symbolize the coyote tail.

Here's a quick update. I'm getting closer to refining the image. I'm leaning in to the more voluptuous version but...that can still change. I like the little "cub" version from my previous round

In this new round, I included a skirt and bandana similarly used by the tarahumara indians (my grandmother was considered part tarahumara and the tribe/people are known to be long distance runners).

Here is a quick doodle of my new main squeeze...I have a tendency of falling for my girl characters lol. Anyway, its just a quick upper bust shot with some color added in the second pick. I'll be using the second one to create a color palette. I'm not certain where I want to go with this. I think I feel she should have a darker complexion (though the Aztecs seemed to believe gods are white in skin color) and I definitely want to stay away from the red hair that is usually associated with foxes. She's a coyote and needs to look wild and savage sometimes, or perhaps aloof. Plus, if she's like the Curse of Capistrano, she needs to be able to hide herself in the dark (although most gods associated with Tezcatlipoca's smoke mirror can conceal themselves as part of their raw talent.)

One more drawing for end of today. Coyotl is a trickster, shapeshifter and full of sensuality (fertility? lol) so I have some alternative outfits for her. Plus she's supposed to be a Zorro/Robin Hood type. I couldn't get a mask to work but I think the "poncho" and "paliacate" (bandana) might help hide her a bit. I need to go back and design her animal form and god form as well. This character is getting complex :smile:

Weapon time. I was playing with dagger silhouettes, thinking since canines have fangs (like the coyote). I finally settled on an odd handle where the "fang" projects from between the two middle fingers. Its meant to be balanced so that she can use it when tied to her sash as her whip-like weapon.

I really like the bandana and the cloak. They go well with the Zorro/Robin Hood type. How are you gonna represent all of her forms (animal, god) in the final illustration ? Dagger + Whip! That's interesting!!