Lthank you so much for taking a look. I’m glad that her “disguise” reveals the influence. I really don’t know how I’m going to show her shape shifting and alternate forms. I’m probably going to have to do something similar to the way speedsters and acrobats are shown in the same frame of a comic book: that is ghosted images.o
Went back to the different outfits, and tried and fourth and final one. The Feral form I'm thinking will serve more as a "god mode" for the character. She will no longer be able to rationally think or feel. Pure instinct. Also, no one will know her by her full name (huehuecoyotl means elder or very old god) only coyote. Probably her full name will or can be used against her to return her to mictlan or to one of her more docile forms. Not sure yet. But I'm also trying to think how I'm going to illustrate her as a shapeshifter. I think I need to add her coyote form as well. Probably all for today. I forgot my laptop charger and my computer is about to go ....... lol.
Digging the sketches, I think you are on the right path with the Trickster/bandit setup for the costume.
As far as sensuality/fertility, maybe consider increasing the size of the hips and decreasing the bust size proportionately. Wide hips tend to be more associated with fertility at a base level in the human mind, so you might get more of a primal response out of that.
And I do love your story concept of the two talking to each other but not getting to interact at all due to being kinda the same person, that would indeed be a very fun story to read.
Copics are soooooo awesome. Only ever had the prismacolor basics and grey tones. I figured I'd buy those blending trio much better for the poor artist. lol I could color with those markers forever. I wish I had an endless supply. As much fun as doing work digitally. I just can't seem to draw and ink fast enough to get to the fun part of coloring.
I'm having a lot of fun zeroing in on the character. I'm thinking a tail now and some moccasins so that she can kick off and run on all fours from time to time. And definitely use black or a dark dark brown for her "bandit trickster" look. One of the things that I really enjoyed from Batman the animated series was the episode where batman is in the desert hunting for ra's al ghul (sp) he had a brown variation of his costume.
Here is another play on the feral form. She's more like a werewolf/coyote type with exposed skin and fur in certain areas. The god in Aztec codex is usually associated with yellow or black feathers, so I thought about giving her black fur and hair (except what frames the face) along with red color bleeding through the ends of her tail, braid, and feet. Not sure how I feel about the black sclera but it might make her look more out of touch then the normal white. the red marking on the bridge of her nose is just a way to give her a reference to the animal's snout. Also gave her bigger hips.
Ok still playing with the character
I'm debating on whether her coyote form (god form) should look like a coyote or a coyote hybrid...meaning more human. Werewolves are supposed to turn into a full wolf form indistinguishable from other wolves except for their intelligence. Huehue is supposed to be a trickster god and a full on shapeshifter. However, for to make it clearer to the viewer I'm thinking about giving her a form that looks more like a human/bear like body with humanoid limbs. I was thinking back at that old fox tv series from the 80s "werewolf". Or I might go to another direction.
Sorry I'm a little late on meeting up with all my deadlines. I'm at the stage where I'm doing my turn around/character model sheets. So here's a quick taste. Just roughed in some colors nothing permanent here yet. Just a work process. Here is the feral state. I think I already know how I'm going to illustrate the final image but I'm hoping I can find some period reference images to help me illustrate it as well.
All right. As I have been compiling my work into one reference sheet I diverted my attention to the final illustration composition. Granted, colors are not final for the background and I still have to think how to add the "effect" of her changing but here is what I have: she goes from feral to seductive dancer to swashbuckling trickster.Some of the lines are crossing because layers...