Van Dang

---Character Bio ---
Janne is modern-day historian who, during a trip to a ruins connected to the Hundred Years War, found an ancient sword thought to be wielded by Joan of Arc. Little did she know that the sword happens to contain the soul of the legendary warrior maiden herself, and has been chosen by Joan's spirit to be her champion. Now Janne must fight and defend her world against all forms of corruptive evil that seep from different mysterious planes of existences.

Primary Power: Spirit Flames of Jeanne D'Arc that purify evil spirits, demons, dark magic and curses.

Secondary: Spirit armour granted by Joan of Arc that protects the user from almost all manners of harm.

A friend told me this art competition is happening, and I've decided to join in since I'm currently in the beginning stage of my own character design side project. Also, biography description for the character is still a WIP, so will update that as I work on this.

Edit: Stating the obvious, but yeah has something to do with Jeanne D'Arc as the title of this forum suggested. Will expand on that later.

I did these artworks back in Inktober last month, while I was going through the 'No Prompts' route aka doing my own drawings.

Because I found myself a liking in the short-length curly hairstyle, I've decided to start working on the character design concepts for this female hero, at least two weeks before I learned ArtWar3 is happening. First was a character expression exercise shortly after I completed Inktober.

And then began working on one of the planned lists of costume designs I had in mind for the project.

This is basically the start of my process two weeks prior to finding out about this competition. Now that I've joined, I'm going to skip to full armour design stage straight away.

8 days later

Armour concept designs I came up with throughout last week for Janne. Researching armour designs and drawing them in functional form for a female character has been a bit of a stress.

Will start developing a bit on the design from the very right for today.

Pretty nice armour designs! I like the third and fourth one the best :smile:

1 month later

Sorry for the late update. I've been drawn into different plans in my schedule for the past couple of weeks. I'll be updating my progress during my time away from here right now.

So I've already finalised my design for Janne's armour design and developed the back design of her costume as well.

I also created an emblem design for the armour based on Joan of Arc's original coat of arms, where I thought it might look like a crown on where the guard was (but with a wing-like feel to it). Additionally, I used Janne's emblem as a basis for one of the sword concepts that led to its final design as shown on the sheet.

These are the sword concepts for Janne that I made before I decided on one sword and develop towards the final version.

And these are thumbnail designs I've made to decide on which pose and design I'll be heading towards on the full body illustration. At the moment, still figuring out which pose is the best to work with.

That's about all I can post and write for my ArtWar3 progress catch-up right now.

12 days later

Began working on the illustration piece for my character for past few days. I've finished drawing the body outline, and worked out my idea for the background and flame effects.