She looks cool ;.)
I love the hair

1 month later

hey @mydiachan.

Aren't you Mydia from the old Sycra hangout group?

Anyway, love this character concept, especially the top part of the outfit

Yeaaah it's me x'D I'm back in the game ^ ^! Many thanks Moonyeah, means a lot : >

Really like how the design turned out for this one, great work!

Really nice work and some serious kick ass costume ^^
I adore this character and how you treated her power in illustration !
Very pleasant to look at :smile:

All the best of luck to you !

Amazing characterization, not to mention a lot of personality too!
Badass work with that fire sword! :fire:
Wishing you all the best!

I was wondering how she is a colonel and general at the same time. Besides that great sheets! Love the sketches too!

Oh actually that was a title in the french former regime given to a general officer in charge of all the regiments of a single kind of weapon :blush: many thanks Shia :scream: !!