My plan is finishing up everything with the least over-rendered issues.
Then move on to last stage of post-editing to adjust any values and color correction, with some DOF and motion blur thing. Welp best not to rely on it much...

Anyways, C&C are very welcome! I'm happy I've reach this far, but still quite a workload to go. Again, thanks guys!

Btw the deadline has been move? I've read it, but I NEED TO MAKE SURE!

@rgdraw Thank you! Me too! :smile:
@innocent Haha good one, I just made an upgrade to metallic hot shooting egg. Thanks I'm really hoping this will be a great update on my portfolio! :laughing:

Oh this looks so heccin awesome. I'm sure you're already on this, but, I feel like you could add a bit more contrast to really make THETA pop some more. Though in fairness that might be personal preference.

Yes, the new deadline is january 13. So you get one more week to work on your entry. :smile:

Oh, thank you so much for confirming! I'll value the remaining time to polish everything up! :relaxed:

I love the character design, and your illustration process !

Okay final update! As much as I wanted to continue some more, it's time for me to call it done.

This is the small size.
I'll spend the rest of my time just uploading the full size and write all the things I'm suppose to write on the first post.. So if anyone wants to help me check if the size is correct check the first post. Other than that I'll just double check some colors and that would be it!
Thank you everyone for staying with me all this time! Thank you so much! The designing part is always the fun part for me! :smile:
@canvasman Lol I need to ask Theta first. Thank you! :laughing:
@Lil_G Thank you! :grinning:

If it was possible i would have liked your submission twice. Congratulations.
PS: check, but i think you have to add an email.

Beautiful overall, I bet we'll be seeing this entry among the finalists :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: congrats!

Beautiful .. ethereal feel!
Especially your concept sheet. I love it. :purple_heart:

This is amazing! I almost have a feeling this will be in the top 10, maybe even one of the winners, Great job! : D

Pretty cool entry, this one could actually be my character's archenemy haha.

your illustration is great but holy s*** i love your concept sheet so much, it's very original.

@brainfunk Thank you so much! :blush:
@aeguilrod Haha thank you for the expectation!
@nevs38 Thank you! I put a lot of thoughts the concept layout!
@skullguzma Oh that was very nice of you! It's up to the judge's aesthetic so I can only hope, but thank you so so much! :blush:
@kreculjkreculj Actually, that's very possible haha now we just need reasons why Theta would cause your character such hate, probably wanting to consume Theta's soul :laughing:
@MoonYeah Haha that's what I get for spending more time on making the character concept than an illustration! Thank you!

@cedricgo Update: Oh I read some comments in the 2D forum, yup so it's a no no, Thank you for your time! :sweat_smile:
I have a question: I still see the 'update entry' button even the deadline passes. I'm curious what will happen if I update the illustration entry (like small color adjustment)? Will I get disqualified or sth? It's no big deal though if I shouldn't.

I'd recommend you don't do that. But if you want to do some adjustments and show them you can always post those in a separate post in your topic if you want. Just don't mess with your first post :smile:

Haha thank you so much! Actually doing a separate post is a much better idea to show how I improve afterwards! :blush: