Name: Valentin Dalev
E- mail:

" Skordfal - a two- bodied , one- soul being , born of the magic in the forest. It' s sole purpose is to protect Hansuma from impure entities, seeking to defile it. "

" There are many tales of Skordfal- a tiny creature dwelling in the Hansuma forest. Some would say " What is so special about a tiny creature in a forest? Is it not like any other rabbit, squirrel or a hedgehog?" . In truth , Skordfal is the protector of the entire forest. It was created by the magical particles in the forest. If you enter Hansuma, do not harm it by any means- neither the trees nor the inhabitants, the cute little being , known as Skordfal absorbs massive amount of magic, its eyes start glowing and a creature, much more... frightening emerges from the ground to help. Some say that the little one controls the giant. In reality they are both Skordfal- one mystical spirit in two bodies."


This is really awesome! I really like the antlers on the second one and the flowers on top of the third one! I would combine elements of all three! good luck! :relaxed:

Thanks! I was thinking of combining elements just as you suggested😊

Despite I like your small pets, they look a bit creepy for a hero, no ? (or maybe that's just me haha).
Otherwise I vote number 2 for the animal :3

Yeah they do look creepy, cant argue :smiley: but i think its not a problem for a hero to be darker. Anyway there will be two personalities of the pet , I will expand the concept and story behind it :smile: Thanks for the feedback ! =] ps i really adore your work so far !!

You're welcome and thanks a lot ^^
Oh and the armor heroe look really nice !
Can't wait to see your illustration in future days/weeks !

Oh this is awesome! 1 and 5 are my favorite they are so cute i would love to have them as a pet! XD also with the larger creature i think number 3 looks most heroic! keep going this is awesome!

Thank you very much! :blush: And good luck on your work looks quite awesome aswell !!

Some gray scale front back more explorations etc ( so the little creature is one with the giant, the small one usually roams the forest by itself but when danger comes to the forest its eyes start to glow and the big fellah emerges from the ground and they become one being)

10 days later

Super nice idea,
Maybe add a little yellow bird for the reason as to why the cat like creature is near his head.

10 days later

THANK YOU ! And the way i was thinking of it was that actually the cat like creature and the big fellah are the same person, just their soul is in 2 bodies , its a sort of a higher level intelligent being , guardian ( sth like that :D)

Hey this is a really cool idea! I like that you've established a design connection with their glowing eyes which could help the viewer assume that they share the same soul. I think one thing that might help is to add some elements that are on the guardian creature to the cat, for example having the same crystal on both of them. Doing this could help solidify the idea that they're connected and therefore share one soul.

Good luck on the illustration!

thank you ! And that's a great idea , i' ll consider adding it ! =)