Name: Miles Tirman
Industrial designer trying to push his character design abilities so we will see where this goes.

Moving to tokyo, not as much time to put in this as Id like, I'll finish this later at my own convenience. Good luck to everyone else.

Trying to determine the theme I want to go with for the villain, obviously I want it dark but not human. I find something sinister about minimal faces, emotions are harder to read on a face that doesn't show whats being thought.

With this in mind, I just finished the show "Outcast" and want to develop their equivalent of "Asmodeus", which in greek mythology was the king of demons and later classified as one of 7 princes (princess's?) of hell, one for each of the sins, Asmodeus being lust.

Asmodeus will appear in the overworld to guide demonic entities that have possessed human souls to the beacons. Super power, a version of clairvoyance.

Quick story to help me eliminate distractions and mood board / reference board for, well reference.

Concept "a" done... 1/6 i'll do, 3 male and female. I can cover all ends of the spectrum this way and pick the most interesting concept.

3/6 done, male side done, this one is a big of a flying stag sort of deity, once all 6 concepts are done ill pick one to move to refined front & back sketches and call outs and then 4 quick concepts for the final illustration.

I like all of these so much ad the designs alone invite me into their world. :laughing:


The first three consepts look more like villains at this stage. I think 4 and 5 could use something more to make them seem more evil.

Like the ideas you have. Waiting for next stage :smile: