Hello I’m Michał, I draw things.
Name: Michał Sałata
Artstation: https://www.artstation.com/bohater13
Email: fajnawizja@wp.pl

Character: Hero
Name: Julia, 90’s witch. Interests: witchcraft, music, dance, games, tv, skateboarding.
Skill: Magic Beat. Julia cast spell with her favourite music cassette, stunning demons and forcing them to dance, until they are exhausted.

I saw 90's and immediately thought "Well this needs a walkman!"

And low and behold you already had one in there! Perfect! The half hawk is also delightful.

scrunchie is a must, doesn't have to be on her hair/head, scrunchies where 90's weren't they?@! At least i hear this from some ladies I've been with.

Look cool, agree about the hawk, though i am not sure they play well with the glasses for some reason. (probably just me.)

Thanks, I definitly try sketch scrunchie;)

i really like this design! fun to look at!

Working on composition for illustration. She fights demons with the magic of music. C&C are welcome;) what do you think, which sketch is the best?

4 is looking good...2 could work too but it is missing something maybe ...we could see demons dancing on the 90' music on the back ? ^^

I agree, 2nd looks cool, covers that 80% visible character rule and demons dancing around instead of being bound would make it much more interesting. Kind of like Sona's ult.

Thanks! I will check Sona skills. You're right, dancing demons can be much more interesting. I will try it!

I think this is final composition for illustration. There will be iterations on the go. Witch 90's fighting with demons with magic of music. Her skill is casting spellls and forcing demons to dance. Some kind of demonic disco. C&C are welcome;)

I actually really liked the 2nd composition you were working on. Maybe that's just because there are demons doing the Thriller dance in the background lol

In any case, I feel like she should have her own TV show

Thanks! I still trying to figure it out the composition. And of course I want demons dancing in the background;)

Prefer the second one (but for the power, first is more understandable maybe ?).
Or try to make a mix of both of them (if that's doable) ?

^Echo, otherwise 2 for me also.
I sort of liked the tape inside the cassette strung out over the enemies the musical notes are a nice touch.

Another point I forget to tell about but...pay attention to 80% character appearance (little short especially on second one) !