Hello there!
So first I focus on how the evil power of the dolly would function and I also made first ideas for the outfit.
I decided that limbs that she can separate would be her arms. I am thinking if she was able to separate them only from her body or also divide them on smaller parts like hands or fingers. Maybe it would be more scary if she could separate even more like head? I think that separating legs wouldn't be useful so legs probably will be always on their place :smiley:
Considering clothing - it must be geisha-like but little bit more fancy and parts of the clothing must not prevent from separating limbs.
Here what I have so far.

Please share your thoughts! It is the first time I am taking a part in something like this so any advice would be precious! I am having a great fun! :smile:

Hello again!
After clothing - time for face.
I wanted it to look like typical old doll, little bit scary but with no mimicry (I think that it is the most scoopy :D) My refs were traditional japanese make up. The doll will have some fancy hairstyle which I think I will take one from the first ideas.

What do you think guys? :smile:

Nice idea! I prefer face C, and the outfits A and D the most. Face E is also good if you want to make her look more terrifying!


I like your idea for your character already. As far as clothing goes, I have a hard time to pick as they all look cool to me. I think that last three looks a bit more interesting in terms of shapes, at least to me. Out of those C and D might be a bit better as the clothing leaves room for her arms can detach more freely.

As for the face, I also ahave apreference for C.

Great job so far and I'm looking forward to see your progress :smile:

Thank you guys!
I think that you helped me in making up decision and I mixed your types.
In a process I also decided that head will also be able to separate (just imagine sitting in a room when suddenly some doll head appears floating above a floor :O)
Here you have a sketch of general look, next I am going to think on a color.

Any suggestions? :smile:

Good stuff, and I agree with the head choice, creepy is a good way to go, the red spattering on the sheet helps too.

Happily with a porcelain doll effect you cant go wrong with red white and black.

Gl Ill keep my eyes out for more.

Thanks a lot!
Okey so now color picking! I was walking aroung hues of black, red, white and gold trying to combine them somehow. Here is the effect:

It is really hard for me to decide! :smiley: Help me!

I realy like your concepts ^^
for the composition ideas definitevly the B, but think well about the suroundings, you have a lot of material to work with your character.
and for the for clothing i think you'll be better of with a more whitish clothing. white is creepy. try it ; )

good work

Hey cool concept,

I'd say like bruno, the white should be great, but make sure to have something like a pattern, or anything to distinguish between the clothes and the puppet

hope it helps
good luck

awesome job :smiley: i think option B or C for color and option b for illustration would be soild

Thanks guys for good advices and opinions, it is much easier now to decide and develop the idea :smile: Will work on this!

More accurate sketch is being prepared!

I love so much where this is going. I love creepy stuff and this definitely fits :smile:

Thanks @cedricgo and @StylusZero for comments!
Work in progress, here is next step:

I have only few days to finish it because later I won't have time cause of a trip, hope I will manage!