@Daniel_Velph Thanks! Still toying with a lot of stuff, but I like the idea of face paint, perhaps to make some unique demon variants. I'll give it a whirl since the general concept might undergo some changes for clarity in the final.
@abrvpt I totally agree, and you read my mind on when I'd sort it out.
I've seen a few different bass fret board lengths, and definitely want to land on something that feels correct for the character (aesthetically I prefer when they appear long and narrow).
Lots to do! About everything is (roughly) represented and I'll be shredding through the sculpt this week.
Tried out a few treatments on the hair and have landed on this one, which I believe is hitting the feel I'm going for. The current low-poly hair alone is ~4.8k tris.
Below: Super-rough block-in on the demon's shapes, going for a more aggressive look. Finding the right open mouth shape to support the closed mouth shape I'm aiming for.