Artist Name : Simon Lu
Email :

Dr.Pestilen is an entity that spreads disease via miasma/infected air to it's victims. Though appearing human it is unknown whether the being is human, monster, mutant or even if it is alive. However, it is known that living beings who are within 10 yards of it will be beset by illness.

References for the 3D Plague Doc. Villain I am creating for the Art War.

Below is my very first rough sketch as my character is forming in my head.

Here I started to meld what I concepted earlier and started to give him poses, adding more defined details to what he is wearing, testing poses for personality of my character. (Just to make my villain look cool)

Dr.Pestilen's basic Zsculpt is underway. Just creating a simple base body to get the general shape of the figure before adding in extra items and designing the boxpack he will wear on his back.

Basic Body layout and added Mechanical BackPack with coat has been added to character. I think the coat will look great once properly textured and a little bit of Normal and/or bump added.
Mechanical Arm Base will be added tomorrow on 12/09/18.

Today.... I fixed his fingers and hands to look better than previous iterations, previously they look bloated and off. Now they have some more shape and the finger tips are made pointy.
I've added the giant tube arm manlet thingy on the left arm and connected a hose to it like some sort of victorian contraption and done some touch ups to the coat.

I still need to redo the peak/nose/mask.