I am a bit late to the party this time around.
I think I'll stick to what i enjoy making. Right now i only have a mood board to show. I want to create a sci-fi version of a lich. Let's see how it goes.


Here we go. The first step is done (sort of).
There are already so many wonderful versions of a lich out there. I decided to create my own version. A magician is in essence a researcher. A lich is immortal, but not indestructible. As time goes on he would need to find ways to keep himself safe.
Blocked out pretty much everything. The tentacle arms are t-posed for now. Everything is still very rough. I plan to put the skeleton part of my lich inside the cylindrical tank in the middle of the machine.

From here on i'll start refining the shapes. Still need to find a decent way to connect the tubes from the legs to the body. The way the legs are connected is quite simple for now. Might change that part completely. Some of the areas are a bit empty. Which in itself is not bad, but somewhat illogical.
All of the screws/bolts and seams/welds are missing. I'll add them later down the line.

The picture turned out not that good. Might throw the whole thing into marmoset.

Finished the blockout phase.
Added transparency to the cylinder. Helps to visualize what i want to create.
Removed some parts. The whole thing started to look too noisy.

Next i'll refine the overall form and start adding details. Not many. Mostly screws/bolts. The inside of the glass cylinder will have to wait for a bit

16 days later

10 days later

Optimized the topology. Could probably improve it by a lot but there is no time for that.
Added the base materials. Testing the colors.
The magic is still missing. Will add it tomorrow.
The skeleton got a bit lost. Need to find a way to illuminate him better. The magic might help.

I don't really like how it's just a wall of metal. Will add some emissive parts here and there.
Need to add the screws and welding lines. Right now the machine is too clean/new. Will add some edge wear, dirt and scratches.

Time is slowly running out ,however i will finish it on time. The background might be less fancy than i would want it to be.

Added the magic. I think it turned out pretty good. The skeleton doesn't look like a normal lich, but i think it fits.

The base colors and materials are now done. Time to add the screws and welding lines.
Afterwards i can start refining everything.

Added the first layer of imperfections.
Added some screws/bolts and welding lines.

The legs need more work. Need to add screws/bolts and welding lines to them. The parts inside the tube need details.
The magic around the skeleton is symmetrical. Will most likely change it.
I was thinking about adding some decals, but i don't think they fit. The idea needs more testing.
I'm going for a self built type of feeling. Used ,but not broken. Not new, but also not exactly ancient.

Might need to skip sleep this week end. I want to finish it on time

So here we are at the end of the road.
The journey was fun, but at some point it had to end.
I've finished everything i could think of. Thanks to this challenge I've learned a lot. Most importantly I've learned what i need to learn next.
For me this challenge gave me everything i expected and more.

Final images are in the first post