He had been lost in the woods for many days now, but it was on the 4th day that he came near the edge of that peculiar wood that he could see the valley laid out before him. The sun was just starting to set behind the mountains in the distance. The sky was as deep blue as his mother’s porcelain, the horizon bleeding molten reds and steaming vibrant yellows, coating the green of the trees and fields in gold.
Then, he saw her.
Moving atop the crest of the field, no more than some 30 feet off, she stood in the wheat and tall grass, dancing. Her head and hair swaying, turning in pathways from side to side. The sun shown through her hair and the cloth of her attire, while shining off the various gems and trinkets on her person. Her arms swinging and swaying to the rhythm of her hips. Her dance was wild and ever changing, at times moving in the current and roll of her hips, while at other times exploding with energy into long twirls and leaps, limbs outstretched. At times sensual, but at others assertive; at times sexual, and at others gleaned with apotheosis. No matter how she danced though the smile and bliss of her face, eyes closed, easily said that it came naturally to her; her soul flowed through her the same way her dance flowed through the air and into itself. She came to a stop in her dance, her head turned towards him, and opened her eyes. The iris was deep and speckled as the night sky, with tints of the sunset in the corners, a quiet glow around her pupils.
It was then that he embarrassingly realized he had been slowly strolling towards her, the distance between them now close enough for conversation, but he said hello to no reply; she stood there wordless, slightly leaned towards him. Her eyes relaxed and gazed unblinking, her eyebrows raised and lips slightly parted into an “o”. They stood there for what felt to him like an eternity till she suddenly stepped towards him, not but a foot away now. She slowly walked around him, bringing her face to the level of everything she looked at, eyeing every part of his person with the curiosity of someone who had just experienced seeing another person for the first time, ou-ing and ah-ing all the while, the way you may expect of a newborn.
Between his laughter and the blooms of his surprise, he went to speak again, but she grabbed him and ran with him to the center of the field, and began to dance again. They danced together, their movements flowing with each other, connecting and guiding. As they danced the man saw the world change around him; the blue of the night sky showed beneath his feet, the stars around him, and the world he once stood in laid before him, growing and changing, lined by light and flourishing into beauty beyond his imagination. The girl who danced with him glowed with light, her eyes like the sun, and the majesty of the cosmos shined in her presence.