Dilyan Angelov
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/warheart06
E-mail: dilyan.angelov@outlook.com

Hi everyone! This the first contest I've entered and I'm looking forward to seeing how my character turns out. I haven't had a project with a deadline ever since I graduated from university, so it's sure to bring back the tension! The plan is to create a character who's fallen from the grace of the Light and turned to the dark arts - essentially a Necromancer. I'll be starting with a high res model and if I have the time I'll be retopoing and posing using a rig, but if that fails, I can always fall back on using transpose master. It's been a while since I've done any drawing, so there won't be any sketches. Instead I'll be working off of the moodboard I've slapped together and improvise.

I'm liking the reference you picked and look you are going for, looking forward to see what you will do! :smile: