@fantasymaster thank you!
update on the current progress so far, c&c very much welcome and appreciated!
the original character concept is by jesse li, love his work, just really liked the feel of that concept, will change to fit more of what i need
@jeebs thanks! i hope i can make it look cool by the end too T.T haha
@maxloegler thanks for the advice!! as you suggested, i just spent today going through pinterest and machinery websites gathering up a crap ton of reference, hopefully it helps me with my lack of knowledge XD
@ceslav.sukstul yea all the reference gathering def helped a loooot, and thank you, hopefully it'll stay interesting XD
worked on the arm a bit more, got more detailed on the fingers and i think im starting to get something i like, should prob come up with a concept for the brainwashed pilot girl @.@
@ceslav.sukstul thank you!
started making the high poly, spent like half the day going back and forth between maya creasing, control loops, and zbrush creasing, trying to figure out which one would better suit me, but after talking with a few friends they convinced me to go and use control loops instead because it looks so much cleaner, and i do agree although it is a bit slower than just creasing but oh well... just need to put in more time XD
this is like the 4th time i did the hi rez for the lower leg X.X gunna give me nightmares...
will be adding extra detail ontop to help it look less empty
@JoseFuentes thanks! yea its my first time doing this all in maya, its a pain but its so nice to look at XD
@fantasymaster thank you! i hope so! im dreading how long much time this will take me actually haha
@allanmacdonald-conta thanks! yea i just had a basic idea in my head, just using reference and etc to build it... very non efficient process X.X
@crazymoon thank you! hope to not disappoint XD
didnt have as much time to work on the upper torso today... found out i cant smooth-preview everything or else my computer will crash and burn... as it almost did today...
was wondering if theres a way to view it all together without my computer chugging like crazy XD
will be heading to seattle for the weekend so wont be able to work on the mech but will spend that time concepting out the pilot herself, hope to get something interesting... hopefully