My name is Mateo Ray, I'm a character artist from Spain

Lord Pepino belongs to a brave race of non terrestrial warriors. All they like doing is fighting and taking siestas. They have long silhouettes due to the low gravity in their planet. They are pretty primitive, so it's fantasy.
Good luck to y'all!

First crappy sketch. I'm modifying it on the go...

Thanks man, i will start the clothing this week. You make sure you pin down your design man. Looks promising already. I like the terrestrial warrior idea, do you have some reference on where you would like to go with this genre? Right now he looks orc-like, is that were you are aiming for?

I know, I never get a clear design, I end up improvising and with a crappy idea. When I have some body shapes I like I wil design something in ps to see what works. I dont want him to look like an orc at all!

Cool idea and great start. I will check back again for sure.

thanks man! but it's still in very early stages. Not sure what my idea is yet! I'm designing on the go, and while it's fun, it can end up in a disaster haha

aaaand it keeps changing, I like the legs better like this, trying to polish the curves and shapes. Not sure about what ears/horns. Will try some more. I'd better start adding gear and clothes soon!

Yeah much better. The lower arms looks heavy. Adding some counterbalance for it on the legs maybe helpfull.

Ohhh! Can't wait to see more on this love your work btw! Those sleek legs look nice :3 One thing I will say though that looks a bit weird atm is the trapezius silhouette near the neck. Maybe it's intended and you have a plan for it, but just wanted to point that out. Keep going man :smile:

thanks! yeah Im still tweaking all the shapes, baad idea to design on the go. But it's fun. I think I'm ready to start adding gear, clothing, weapongs, and stuff

hahahahaha, great ideas in your sketch. I want see mooooore :wink:

Good fix on the traps :wink: Loving the style so far! Can't wait to see how you tackle his armor :3

good concept so far, I love the body type and shape

9 days later