Hi everyone! I'm a bit late, but I thought I'd still give it a go. I'll be joining team fantasy! I'm going for a reaper/necromancer type character and she'll be using a scythe as her weapon. Good luck to everyone and looking forward to seeing everyone's entries! Feedback always appreciated :smile:



Omg! I love her hair too much. Really good job even when it looks a little bit creepy without eyeballs xd

Dang that is really pretty hair, if you don't mind me asking, how did you do that?

I'm also interested how that hair was made, great job so far!

Here's an update on my progress:

@andrescastaneda Thank you! :smile: I can't believe I forgot the eyes, it is creepy looking!

@DragonicSculptor @jeebs Thank you both! :smile: For the hair it was a lot of trial and error for me. For the pieces of hair near the top I append a cube in Zbrush and make it taller and thinner. I apply Taper to it and then I sub-divide a few times and use the Sbend deformation and change between x, y, and z depending on which way I want it to curve. I usually use the Move brush after that to get it into the desired position. For the spiral pieces towards the bottom, I use the Helix shape in 3DS Max and put a Sweep modifier on it. Then I'll duplicate that piece and rotate it a bit and change the Pivot Alignment. I'll usually apply a Taper modifier to both of them as well. I am not sure if I explained it very well, but if I didn't please let me know and I'll try to word it better!

Wow, awesome sculpting. I like the hair especially.

15 days later

Just wow. This is looking incredible! I really like how thick all the forms, curls, and clothes are. I'm pretty partial to #4 on your color comps -- perhaps with a nice hue shift in the smoke. :smile:

13 days later

Finally got all of the maps baked and will move onto texturing!

@hAzE Thanks a lot! I like #4 the best as well and will go with that one for the colors! I agree with you on the hue shift, will definitely try to do something with that. Thanks for your feedback :smile:

Wow, I totally missed this, can't wait to see her with materials! :smile: