by no means final, just wanted to get something posted, shows a little of what I'm thinking, still have a long ways to go, I'm not really a concept artist hahah but I am enjoying the process. Questions comments etc are always welcome!

Cool! I dont know about the leg and knee guards though. They dont look sci fi and dont go too well with his upper torso gear. Cant wait to see more!

yeah I've really only worked on the head and torso area, havent gotten to the legs yet hahah

I love foxes and sciFi.
Is the arm a wireframe or virtuel connections to the matrix?

Loving the concept dude cant wait to see how this transitions into 3d

hahah thanks everyone!! @independhans yeah the arm I was thinking of it being some sort of digital hard light kinda arm etc. I had a little mini vacation this weekend so I didnt get to work on it, but I should have some more progress soon. :sweat_smile: