Name: Yehzzel Cristin
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A hand injury took up my time so I am starting a little late but will do my best to make my idea into reality. I'm here to represent the fantasy side with my character 'Zylva, The Damsel Not So In Distress'. All i have so far for a back story is that she is a princess of a tribe that resides in a location that is a hot spot for dragon and demon activity with the passing years. These activities are usually on the violent side making her tribe a victim of collateral damage. In order to ensure their survival they have taken up defensive measures and have honed their skills in weapon combat and sorcery. Zylva is the heir to the throne but she wanted more than just survival, she has taken up the offensive in mission to drive of these dragons and demons off their land.

Here is a reference sheet :


Updates to come


Everyone have fun and take this opportunity to bring your ideas to life :smile: