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Watch this space for possible art things XD
HA HA! Found ya!
Character design isn't my strong suit but here are some designs. The basic idea behind my character is his family generation after generations has been a protector of a long forgotten tomb deep with in a mountain which holds an undead stone army. the only way in is to manipulate the earth to gain entrance to it. Passing down the ability to control and bend earth to their will from father to son. they live simple lives and try not to draw to much attention to them selves. the floating masks are the faces of elders who now still guard the tomb even in death. when they are tasked with looking after the tomb they are given a blank mask to carve themselves and carry with them at all times. I liked the Shepard idea as a cover for their real job
did some colour flats. next step is thumbnails for the illustration
Hey I really like B and C on the first canvas and C on the second.
Good job! Well done the C is really good
Nice character I like the Shepard idea, hiding in plain sight. Colour comp B works well for me.
"Characer design isn't my strong suit" Yeaa right These are all really cool, looking forward to more of your progress on this!
looking nice!
Rough Thumbnail idea for the illustration. Want to do something really fun and colourful
Does look fun. But what would it look like with a ram?
Didn't expect to see a sheep in with him lmao gives it a really nice and refreshing atmosphere! A lot of dynamism too in the gestures!
Great idea! Waiting to see more.
Loving the sheep and movement!
The tilted angle for the composition makes it feel like a movie. The arm in the foreground, and then the creatures in the mid-ground and background give it a good sense of depth.
Looking forward to see what you do with the colors.
Thanks yeah working on some colour stuff at the moment should be able to post something soon
Super awesome work, can't wait to see the final!
Wow, this is looking awesome! Love the fun of the drawing! Really nice depth as well. Looking forward to see the color stuff!
Very cool illustration sketch! I dig the sheep, so awesome!