Nice sketch. Interested to see how you illustrate her.

You are going with a melee fairy from the lightning element ? You'll probably need to make it a bit clearer in your design but the idea could work very well :smiley:

Correct! Thank you for the feedback, I'll work on it.

8 days later

Design Update + lllustration B/W Thumbnails
The design has changed quite a bit since its previous iteration, I struggled to push that design to a "final" that i liked , so i went back to make a few changes while keeping the elements i really enjoyed from the original.
I also committed to a color palette, from now on adjustements and details will be iterated on the final illustration.

B/W Thumnails

Still exploring i like n.2, I 'll see where that goes.

2 and 4 are my favs. Interested in seeing more.