Finalizing design. Going back to the idea that the character's power is twisting his form and eating away his life/soul.
Enraged Swordman vs Brutal Bralwer
First design: Karma's is chained to his sword, it weighs him down. The sword itself is a living being and it's absorbing the character's life force. He's unable to fly despite having wings. The power torments him and drives him to madness.
Second design: Karma's power completely consumes him at this stage. He's expressionless and doesn't have a heart (hole in the chest). In a way, losing one's identity and mind is very tragic compares to being in physical pain.
I was really slow to finish this just because I want something concrete to work with. The final design would probably be one or a combination of these two. I will start thumb nailing the compositions for the next stage. Don't really have that much time left.