Let's start!

This is Nahari, a fire berseker that seeks to destroy whoever crosses his path.

It is only a sketch without anatomical reference, but from now on corrections and modifications begin.

If you want to see me draw live you can do it on twitch.tv/soylow

(Disclaimer: I am from Bilbao so I speak Spanish on the channel, but don't hesitate to ask or say hello if you come to see me.)

12 days later

I'm back!

After a week of vacation and being sick I'm drawing again. I have advanced the design of Nahari and added color to start the year with strenght and power.


Feel free to give me feedback and share your thoughts with me. Let's do this!

Hi there! Here is an update of the Berserker I'm doing. Some flat colours and values. Looks sketchy right now but it's going in the right direction!

Feel free to tell me if you see something odd. Feedback is apreciated!

You can check my Twitch channel if you want to see the process live: