so nice details but I'm waiting for the final picture! It'd be epic I think :smiley:

Hey! You're here this year too!!! So glad to see you!
And still rocking with those incredible ideas!! This is looking so promising I love it!!

hey! what a nice design! is very good!
Like the previous one to the candle girl!

Hello everyone, thank for your replies, encouragements, and advices. Sorry, I'm late.
Here is the progress so far. I gave a shot at stylization, you'll tell me what you think.
As per usual, critiques and comments are welcome. Now I'm gonna sneak into your respective thread. :fire:

Oh! Very interesting and the stilization works great! Awesome work!

Nice, the bondage arms are part of the armor? that is pretty neat, i like the head dress and face mask (reminds me of the time the ladies had to say, let me put my face on.) :stuck_out_tongue:
So if that is what you meant by it i get it.
Both faces and or heads, looks great to me i like the features on the main head and the scream glowing bits on the other, hair style is really neatly made also.

Ooo, this is striking. It's interesting you refer to past actresses as inspiration for her facial design.

Her costume design is very abstract, but your use of bright coloured seams to help direct the eye up and down was a smart choice. Nice silhouette too.

I'm curious how her screaming hair face works. Does it have a mind of its own? Is it purely decal?

Also, does she use different weapons? Or are you experimenting with various weapon types but haven't picked one?

Great work so far.

Hey yo! I knew that I will meet you here. Аgain! =) And again with an epic cool char! I'll follow you

Really nice sketches and intriguing designs and new (?) style.
Hope you have the time to develop it like you really want.

Best of luck : D

hum... interesting your art style seems to have changed a bit...
you've got a great concept going on. Keep it up! ^^

12 days later

I'll finish it before Artwar 5 or 6, promis.
Thank you for passing by and for your kind messages.
Good luck for the courageous still working on their artwork.

Awesomeee did you finish it( is this your final image?

Nice sketch, I love the mood. I was hoping if you could finish but I guess other stuff got in your way. Hope to see you again next time

I'll finish it before Artwar 5 or 6, promis.

Probably means not for them.

Loving this, hope to see more when you have the time, hopefully whatever is taking your attention its worth your time. :smile: good luck in the future endeavors. Appreciate you visiting my entry, was wondering if you would come around. Thanks again.