Good to see you posting here again this year, off to a good start

@tbrk glad to see you back as well! I ran into some time conflicts with participating last year and it kept eating at me. Little more hopeful about being able to bust something out since there's no concept sheet.

the same goes for me. I couldn't finish what I was working on last year but like you said we don't have to worry about the concept sheet so we can get more out of the illustration

Little more progress today

I love the deilcate yet saturated pallette, and the pose is super strong!

@sanguine Thank you! The pose was something I was hoping for feedback on actually.

The longer I stare at it, the more I question if it's visually interesting haha.

WOW The pose is really strong, I'm at awe :open_mouth: The picure reminds me of 90s comics like Thorgal or something it's mighty cool :heart: The sword looks a little strange, like it's too short or maybe twisted in a wrong way and i think it wouldn't be in front of the horns but rather behind. Great work!

@threees Omg!! the sword was supposed to be behind the horns. :flushed: Oops. Thank you for catching that. I haven't really touched that part of the image since I started it, but I agree about the perspective on the sword like it needs to be turned or something. That'll be my next area to work on.

So scratch that actually. The more that I kept staring at it, the more bored I was by the composition. Keeping her design the same for the most part.

The composition is a lot better now

yeah, wow.. that is quite an improvement! I'm loving it!

@sanguine Thank you! So glad I changed it. Now I'm just trying to bust as much out while I'm still on vaycay.

Things are definately heating up :wink:
Liking the new one better. Great job!

@serovero I see what you did there. Very punny. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Thanks!

Little more progress:

Looking better every time you post!

Very nice !
Can't wait to see all the steps for lightning, fire, reflection, stone texture and all !

Best of luck Sierra !
(And big thanks to you to passing by on my DA page, or I surely totally miss the contest !!! :scream: )

@serovero Thank you! Trying to just make a little bit of consistent progress.

@mr_dessin So good to see you back! I was wondering if you were aware of the contest xD

I didn't like the perspective of her arm so I switched that around. I also shifted the canvas to the R. Starting to work on fleshing details out.