@tbrk glad to see you back as well! I ran into some time conflicts with participating last year and it kept eating at me. Little more hopeful about being able to bust something out since there's no concept sheet.
@sanguine Thank you! The pose was something I was hoping for feedback on actually.
The longer I stare at it, the more I question if it's visually interesting haha.
@threees Omg!! the sword was supposed to be behind the horns. Oops. Thank you for catching that. I haven't really touched that part of the image since I started it, but I agree about the perspective on the sword like it needs to be turned or something. That'll be my next area to work on.
@sanguine Thank you! So glad I changed it. Now I'm just trying to bust as much out while I'm still on vaycay.
@serovero I see what you did there. Very punny. Thanks!
Little more progress:
@serovero Thank you! Trying to just make a little bit of consistent progress.
@mr_dessin So good to see you back! I was wondering if you were aware of the contest xD
I didn't like the perspective of her arm so I switched that around. I also shifted the canvas to the R. Starting to work on fleshing details out.