Looks really cool. The fire effect looks nice. Great finish. Best of luck. Congrats on finishing. If your going to have a detail sheet make sure it is 2048x2048. If your showcasing your model in marmoset then no need for a detail sheet.

Love her! She really looks like she has a strong and cool personality :smiley: And the stylized look is so well done! Really great work!

I really love the effect of the fire, I don't know how you did it but it's very nice. And the expression on your face is very cool.

Nice fire trail, congrats on finishing.

thanks everyone! I am very glad that I managed to finish.very tired
спасибо всем! я очень рад, что успел закончить. устал

не знал что ты тоже участвуешь!)) огонь особенно круто получился