Well, I'm sorry for the delay in posting here, but I'm trying to focus in the character... I'm not used to do my own designs, but I'm getting really excited with this one :stuck_out_tongue:


  • Troub'Ador is the main and only official fanfare member. The reason he plays alone is obvious: he's a gigantic ent like creature, enchanted (or cursed) by the earth gems and flora. His right side is much more affected than his left side.

  • His right arm is a set of roots, which he uses his drumsticks, while his left arm still has a hand, occupied with some noisy trinket

With some research I've seen that jade have some musical properties, that's why I've chosen it as the gem in his body:

"Jade’s toughness and musical properties have even made it into an old gemological saying. If you take a hammer and hit a diamond, the diamond will shatter into a dozen pieces. Hit a piece of quartz and it’ll split in two. However, if you hit a piece of jade, it’ll ring like a bell!"

font: https://www.gemsociety.org/article/history-legend-jade-gems-yore/

I'll post what I thought for his main design and explain a little about my decisions:

This was the final model of the blocking stage. The image explains what I thought for the body and the roots.

In his body, the TRUNKS parts should be squared and fixed parts, with no 'fingers' or extensions. Close to the ROOTS, it may look cracked and/or damaged. The roots looking was described in the image.

here's how our huge bard is looking:

He's looking a little darker than I wanted, but I like the direction it's going.

Sure it's missing the banner in his back, with the tree coming out of the grass, but I'm not sure about its looks yet. Seriously thinking in make a gong or something like that.

Sorry for the long post,
PLEASE comment what you think of it, even if you don't like it :laughing:

Amazing work man! This idea is sensational, I'm curious to see the progress! Good luck!

Refined the design and blocked the basis from the lighter parts (The hard ones)
Deleted some roots and branches to make the reading easier.

Worked his arm. Still missing the roots on it.
Went to a more skeletic design, it matches with the hard looking.

i like it, looks like robin hood and Pinocchio amalgamation into forestation.

@3dc hahaha I'm glad you like it! Yeea well noted, mainly because of the colors and the wooden looking, I presume

Nice work, Ricao! It really looks like an ent version of Pinochio. =D =D Maybe it is his ancestor, =D

@carsoares77 thank you, meu mano!! hahaha maybe the poems and canticles he utters are a bunch of lies!

I've got some bad news.

I've started to refining the sculpt, but suddenly my pen tablet started to show some problems, and finally stop working. Yeah, I'm really sad right now, it will delay my project a lot, maybe I can't even finish it.

I've bought a new one already, but it will take at least 4 days to arrive. During this time I'll work the polygonal modelling, such as props and foliage. Hope I cand do it in time or I'll get even sadier ):

Here what I could refine until my pen die

Here's the situation of the props now. When I get to finish the models, I'll try some texturing workflow until my pen arrives. Wish me luck, please :pray:

11 days later

Hey guys! I didn't gave up! I've been too busy trying to finish the models.
My new pen-tablet had arrived 7 days ago, so I was super focused in finish the model.
Here's some updates, with the model in the pose and the highpoly finished.
The clothes will be simulated with Blender and the leafs will be placed later with the smaples from the screenshots:

1920x1080 images


Main leaf:

Shape and color deform via shader for randomness (Blender Eevee):

Many textures was already workeds in substance painter, such as roots and jade, but I'm really rushing to finish in time, so when I got some time I'll post screenshots of it before the final submit.

Posting the last ones screenshots from Blender viewport material preview before posting the final result.

Textures made with Substance Painter 2. The flag was made using Blender cloth simulation. The main parts from character I used Substance automatic UV unwrap.

All the foliage are cards (planes with alpha).
The leaves was made using Substance Painter (only one texture, variations made procedurally) and the grass is procedural (Blender Eevee).

The volumetric light is just a cylinder with gradient textures and fresnel (alpha blend tranasparancy and no shadows)

The "windy" fx in the roots tentacles was made full procedural as well, using gradient textures and ditorted voronoi (alpha blend too).

I'm kind of sad for not having made it completely as I wanted. A lot of things happened with my, and the pen breaking really disturbed me. I wanted to make an ground base with different foliage, some birds singing in the branches and more visual fx, but otherwise I'm happy that I've did it in time.

Next post will be the submition :wink:


Great piece, my friend! Very much enjoyed the aesthetics and the concept for the character. The model and design are very solid too. Congrats on the amazing project!