Alyonka is a hereditary witch. Mother hid her from the bandits at the cost of her life. Her home was burned, she had to survive in the forest from early childhood. But her mother managed to teach her a lot, and left her some birch barks with an ancient knowledge.
The girl mostly spends her time in the forest, collecting the herbs and mushrooms for decoctions and infusions. She must wear a long dress, otherwise she would peel her legs by the branches and grass.
The shawl is also a practical item. It keeps her warm in the shadow, protects hair from branches, leaves and insects.
She was just with a birch stick at first. But warrior needs a good weapon. I experimented a little bit with a hive on her staff, so she can control the wasps to attack her enemies. Not bad ability but not so epic and I didn't want her to be in the company of insects forever. Not funny!
So she get a kalina stick now. It's a tree with red berries which widespread in russia and often used in folklore. The bark and berries are also used in scientific and folk medicine.
Kalinka is not simple staff. After a difficult and exhausting ritual, the goddess Zhiva (Alyonka's patroness) breathed life into this piece of wood. The girl can communicate with her staff, share wisdom with it. In hard times she sticks the staff into the soil, and it turns into a gigantic ent-like creature, ready to protect its keeper.
I think i'll expiriment more with colors, folk details, jewerly and decor.
The staff design is also not final, but the main part with carved column and Kalinka's personality, probably, is not bad.
And i'll probably make her younger, as i planned first. She's pretty mature right now 
Transofmed Kalinka with her keeper.

A few composition sketches.

I'm pretty new in art, so will be glad to any feedback and advice, thanks!