Hey all,

My name is Owen Foster, a recent graduate from University looking to become pro as a concept artist, I couldn't pass up the chance to have some fun with this art challenge and hopefully meet like minded people.

The sci-fi's robot army is fierce competition, so to ensure the victory of the best side I'm bringing in some destructive fire power with Nuts 'n Kookoo, a 2-in-1 character dynamo team of beast and brain - I figured this would fall under "supporting characters" let me know if this isn't allowed

Kookoo pilots her mountain companion Nuts, a rampaging beast kitted with the ability to channel electricity through him and utilise it for more power in his punches to overload any robotic champions whilst Kookoo provides support with her explosives.

I thought i'd draw some initial quick sketches and then expand on them further after the holidays, feel free to leave any feedback or comments they'll be greatly appreciated!

Maybe Nuts is supposed to be terrifying, but I can't resist the urge to just scruffle his hair. >.>

Nevertheless, great design!

More design! Now that i've stuffed myself on turkey I'm ready to post these updates more frequently, giving Kookoo some attention here with a few head thumbnails trying to achieve some stylish attitude. I'll be playing around some more after I've sought out feedback and I can start moving onto solidifying Nuts n Kookoo's design!

Those are some kickass sketches. Her design is really appealing to me–I love the ears and goggles!

Wooo kicking ass already on this one Owen :smiley:

Another update! This time I've been figuring out a T-pose for Nuts - who is in severe need of a leg day - and thinking more on his armour, mostly centralised around his back so that Kookoo can mount / store explosives and any forms of leashing/confinement that might be necessary in making sure Kookoo isn't pancake'd when taking care of him.

Gonna try to work on this everyday to build some momentum, i'll be sure to sneak around and view the competition as well!

Heres that Kookoo design that was promised! After taking feedback on what parts people liked the best from the thumbnails I busted out this prelim sketch of what I think i'd like her to look like as a whole - still room for improvements and some colour tinkering but i'm excited as to how this is turning out.

Quick update with a couple more design sketches really trying to iron out the shapes and attitude that i'm trying to sell with Kookoo - wasn't too happy with the way things were going with her look so I back tracked a little bit to some of my earlier designs and try to recapture that image.

She's going for more a spooky look now rather than the weird half steampunk aesthetic she had before - and she's riding Nuts now! After ironing out the design sheets and colour I figured most images should naturally have them interacting as they are one character combined.

Hope everyone's Art war is going okay - stay strong everyone even in the difficult awkward points!

Super cute! Just keep at it and don't lose faith in yourself!! \o/