Thank you everyone for being so patient, the judges have finally selected the top 5 winners of the Art War! These are in no particular order.

Congratulations on making it this far among such fierce competition!

Now the final round begins. The judges face the difficult task of voting again this time to rank the top 5 winners in each category. Stay tuned to find out who will win the Art War in the final announcement coming soon!


3D Winners

2D Winners

Damn I am stoked mine is in the final five but I think waiting for the last round is gonna kill me :smiley:

Can't wait for the finale!!!! _

Congratulations everyone! Very well deserved! This is going to be near impossible to decide the order! Amazing entries :smiley:

Holy Cow!! Congratz to the winniersss!!!

I hope there will be another Art War 2018 next year :smiley:

Congrats to all the finalists! So stoked to be up there :open_mouth:

WOW! Congrats to all. So happy to see my quiana up there! Looking forward to the final ranking.

Hell yeah!! it's very nervous :grin: and Grats to all!!

There will be an ENVIRONMENT one later this year! Be on the look out :smiley:
-Congrats to everybody, these are nuts!!

congrats to you all! curios who will win! and thanks again for the comp.

Congratulations to the finalists! It is an honor for me to be among such great works! :grinning:

Good job guys! To me , I hope the 'Writer" wins. I think it was the most creative concept. And he is a Russian , russkis stand for bros ahah

Like them all :smile:
Honestly...they look all perfect to me.
But if I had to keep just one I take Oniko for 3D and Desert wanderer for 2D.

So next contest - environment right ?
This is gonna be extra tough, especially for those who rarely do background or loose one !

Wow it's a huge honor to be in the top 5! Congratz to everyone!! :smiley: