Hi guys, so I just started Art School. I'm a software developer, work day after day buried inside my laptop's monitor looking at tiny words and symbols trying to make the computer do what I want. I've always had a passion for Art and Game Development, so here I am, taking night classes (and weekends!). At this point I'm not sure where this is going but I'm excited. I decided not to split these into terms so that maybe in the future, people who'd like to check out the progress from kind of nooby (I drew a bit over 10 years ago) to whatever this turns out to be, they can.
So without further ado, here is my first assignment for the intro to photoshop class. I found this incredibly difficult, to keep my lines from breaking up or following the lines there. It helped when I cut a hole in my fancy suit sock and stuck my hand in there to let my hands glide easier on my tablet. We do what we can with what we have lol.
Apr 8, '20
last reply
Jun 9, '20