Hey everyone.
Name: Kristina Tonkova
Email: kristallinf@gmail.com
Website: www.artstation.com/kristallin-f or kristallin-f.deviantart.com

I'm a russian artist who had learned english more watching movies and reading than in school, so I will not be eloquent)
Thats the (first) final sketch of my character. In the process, I decided that she should be on the dark side - her smile was so tricky every time.
So, its a Portal thief Charlie, twelve years old girl which own a world's compass. By using it she can jump through the worlds in every place she wants. At the moment she broke into the Intergalactic library that is protected by a robo-wizards casting spell from the protection books. Charlie uses her compass and ready to disappear from the crowd of guardians with some trophy magick books.

Ooh I am already loving your champion design! Do you have drafts of her characters design? Keep it up!

17 days later