Nice character design, and very dramatic layout for your illustration! :+1: You might try moving the own further away from her so that it's not intersecting her so much and has its own distinct silhouette. You also could consider tilting her head up more, which might be more interesting than seeing it straight-on as it is now. Just some suggestions, though. You seem to have it well in hand. Good luck with the rest!

So badass keep up the great work :smile:

Damn she looks so dope!! Can't wait to see more! :smile: Really amazing sketches!

woah the first sketch looks very nice .. ill be waiting for more !!!

That is so cool, the character is very similar than mine, I mean that witchy weird woodo style. And the first sketches are so cool. i can`t wait to see the results. :smile:

Really nice values

woaah the colored version looks so bad ass!
if there is anythign id say make teh scene a bit darker and ligthen teh effetcs and her eyes more so the focal point pops mroe unless this is the style you are going for !

it looks awesome :smiley:

Great rendering! And - small detail - I love the hand of the guy she's attacking on the left. Great tension there! :+1: I think you could push the terrified expression on the lower left guy even more... (As it is, it's not dissimilar to the man on the right.)
Anyhow, great work!