Hi everyone!

(Long time no see!)

I've run into a problem with my Zbrush 4R7 and I think I re-check the tutorial video 10 times and I'm dunno where I am wrong.

When I try to apply my stencil on my asset with the ''Zadd'', the stencil doesn't apply on it. Wherever the size or focal shift it is.

The stencil comes from the teacher's files that we could download.(It's from Pluralsight). Maybe it doesn't work because it's not compatible..I wonder. However, in another tutorial, I used one of his alpha and was working so maybe it's not it!

Is someone can help me about this, what could be the cause or what I did wrong?


20 days later

So I've asked elsewhere and I've been told to check spotlight projection. Brush>samples>spotlight projection. If its on turn it off.

It was ON so I turned OFF.

It seems to work however I've encounter other problems when doing so :
1.If I am in ''Edit/Draw'' mode and I try to apply the stencil with the ''Zadd'': I've a strange black square that shows up.
2. If I use the ''Draw'' mode only, it's applying but I cannot go back in ''Edit'' mode. (I'm still a beginner) :smile: I'm attaching other screenshots here.

Is someone can help me about this, what could be the cause or what I did wrong?

Thank you!