Hi everyone! I am Chiara, nice to meet you all!
I have just started my Art school journey and I'm so excited about that! I am new to this world, even if I've been drawing since 2014, but nothing seriously.
So I decided to learn some basics and, having fun!
I don't know if I have a really specific goal for my journey but I think that I would like to tell stories and espress emotion and feelings with my drawings, not something just beautiful and nothing more.
That's it! Hope to receive some good and also bad critiques from you in orider grow even more, so, thank you in advance!

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So, anyway, today I have started the lesson of nude figure drawing from Topic 1 and I would like to show you some studies that I did, hope you enjoy!
If you notice something that doesn't work please let me know!
Have a nice day :blush:

Heyho, Chiara!
Nice to meet you! Thats a great goal you have, definetly keep us updated on your progress!
The first assignement looks nice, good job.


Here we are again :grin: Today I continued my figure drawing studies and I approached the proportion topic for the first time, so I tried to replicate the image in the video lesson in order to understand how the proportions work (I have to admit that I use the symmetry tool but tomorrow I would not cheat, I swear :joy:)

Than I went back to the basic structures. I have to say that I had difficulties in drawing the box shape for side reference, if someone could give me some tips I would be so glad about that :heart_eyes:
In this case I tried to use the oval shape and I have to say that it works pretty well. Than I tried to draw the structure without the model below and to add some details, let me know what you think about it! Have a good day :kissing_heart:

Hey Chiara,

Congrats! These turned out amazing 👍

In the grid proportions piece: don't worry about having used symmetry, but I do recommend trying a few times without it so you can train your eye on how to achieve that yourself. The woman figure is really, really good! The man figure feels a bit blocky (with a lot of hard edges) and the forearm appears to have a weird shape that follows the pelvis. But other than that, you nailed it 😬👍

About the basic structures: it's actually a nice thing that you were able to go to the circles instead of the blocks in this case, it just adds to your "set of tools" being able to use whatever you need depending on the situation, and the result here is awesome! Congrats.

Keep the updates coming!

Hi guys! :smile: Today I have finished the nude figure drawing lesson approaching the gesture drawing, even if I was struggling at it that I had so much fun! I didn't think that it could be possible hahah
I had so much struggles most of all because I continue tracing over and over lines and the final result is very messy, but this one turned out well.

Than I try to do something different with male/female figure studying the side and back view. My figures are always a bit blocky (most of all the male figure) but I have to say that I learned a lot this time.
The only thing that I have to say is that the side view in both figures doesn't convince me al all, tell me if I'm not the only one to think about it :sweat_smile:
Also I don't like the female face at all, but in this case I tried to focus more on the body than on the face.

Last but not least I did a study figure trying to measure correctly every part of her body.
I had troubles using the pencil so I decided to trace lines in order to know esactly where I had to draw, and then I slide my drawing over the model to adjust it a little bit. I have to say that I am pretty happy about the final result, but of course I admit that I cheat a little bit :joy:

Have a good day!! :blush: