Screen pic of a little doodle ^^
Instead of learning to fly, he rather chases the wildlife
xD Can you blame him?
Keep on 'a sketchin'
And the road to filling it with life begins
I might actually set the focus on the face more hm..
When you turn your companion into armour xD
Painting metal is just too much fun! you can make it look totally out of this world or rusty and copper-ish and that in one Painting! ^^ Painting this is sooo much fun
//Ship wrecked
Close up
So..Im coming to this point where i kinda ask myself, where to go from here..like not in the way of how to get better but where to go.
like.. I don't know if I could or should or..ugh, well If I have a future with art and if i do then where do I even start? How does one even get into the 'art-world' ? And what would my role even be xD Illustrator?...Seems like a word way to big for me
If anyone has any answers, or suggestions, well, feel free to comment