Wind Catchers [wip's] ^^
So I actually timed myself by adding the time of background videos I've been watching while sketching this bird and to come this far it took me about 1 and a half jenna marbles videos xD so that would be ca. 10min ^^
I saw this photo of a bird and i knew i HAD to draw him because I love little humming birds or in general birds with just huge wings and so aerodynamic features
Color blocking and starting with shadow and lighting ^^
I kind of want to go further with this bird/ insect and I don't really know where it will bring me but I'll let the next day decide that ^^ g'night folks ^^
wow this is really taking me longer than normal but i guess thats because I really have art block right now xD I re-aranged some stuff smoothed things out and also started with the silhouette for the 'bird rider' thats the theme ^^ I might remove the arm in front of her face or let her so another gesture to free up her face ^^we'll see
Still need to add her mouth and refine ^^ progress shot >-< Today was a really long day for me because I had 10 hours of school and then I had to also learn for my english exam tomorrow ^-^ Aint that the life 0-=
Wind Catchers
What is a good complimentary color for blue ? Yup ^^yellow ! I also trimmed her hair and 'fixed' her face xD
I tried to take the Advice and apply it to this Painting I did with the Value structure and I wanted to make the blacks and half blacks to concentrate in the fore-ground and make the mid-ground more of a grey tone and then the background light because the viewer should kind of 'sit' in the tree and look into a bright scene.
Then I added some Structural aspects to make it a better composition i guess ^^ I will start a new painting very soon, but I want to try and make this one as perfect as i can and would also like to hear what you guys think