Hey Everyone, Im Chris.
I've been looking through this forum and there is loads of support going on which is great to see. I have been trying to learn art (mainly the fundamentals) for a long time now but with not a lot of luck. Even though I have looked at tutorial after tutorial, I have never really sought feedback or been part of a forum before which I believe is my downfall.
So I will be active here as much as I can with what I am working on and I hope to help all those that I can too.
I hope to get to know a few of you and good luck with your journeys :smile:

Hi Chris!
I'm studying the same lesson right now and your work is great! You keep it simple and you nail it :smile:
I always tend to do more in order to achieve a "final" result not facing the reality that I don't know anatomy and other tools and knowledge that I need.

Keep working like this, I'm waiting to see the progress :blush:

Hey Chiara, thank you very much!
I've seen yours too and they look great. I have always done the bare minimum when it comes to assignments and that has got me nowhere so I'm going to implement the advice on 'Draw a Box', "If you can't draw something, draw it 100 times"

Good luck with the next lessons, I'll keep an eye out for your progress :smiley:

Moving on to the cylinder skeleton exercise - I really enjoyed these assignments, they are definitely helping with drawing cylinders, ellipses and seeing things in 3d space. Im going to spend some time on these for the next few weeks until I can do the poses in 3d space from imagination without any issues.

I also watched the 'Enhanced Learning' video on term 7, this was really insightful on where I am with my current knowledge and where I need to get to.

Welcome aboard, other Chris! I really dig the confidence of your lines, and the perspective of your cylinders are spot on in most of them, which is something I definitely struggle with. I look forward to seeing more of your work.

Thank you for the welcome First Chris!
Cheers a lot, I too have trouble with confident lines but the ghosting method always helps - 'Ghost the line you want to make a few times without putting it down, when you are confident, get that line down'

I've spent tonight's session learning the Measuring Proportions technique. I'll be honest this is the first thing i've really struggled with in the whole video, however I am happy with the drawing. I'll spend the next few days really getting this down.

That is so good. I love the cross hatch shading, even if it's not necessary for the first term it's really great, I think that I would try it too :smile:

2 months later

I've been away for a very long time now, far longer than I thought I was. Work, and lockdown and... another million depressing excuses have managed to get in the way. However no more, time to get back into it.