Hello all you happy people.
My name is Vladimir, Vlado for short ( but since most people from the west can't say that ) Vlad is good too or Beowulf ( an internet alias that i've used for a long time ). I'm 36 ( old ain't i ), live in south Eastern Europe ( i know shocking ) and i don't intend to run from here ( even more shocking ain't it ).
( NOTE - you can tell i'm not a native english typer or speaker so do excuse some typos and grammar inconsistencies )
From what i remember i loved drawing from a very young age, my gramd-ma ( god bless her soul ) saved the first scribbles i did, they were some attempts of environment sketches from "Twin Peaks" ( yeah i watch that as a kid ). Then i got fascinated by the Disney shows and movies and wanted to become an animator in DIsney ( dodged a bullet there i think ). I started watching all the How animation is made, started drawing the famous bouncing ball ( looked more like a mush with roundish shape ). Then i learned that comics are fun too, so started to do that, i had a few sketchbooks filled with concept art of characters, then some notebooks ( the paper kind ) with there adventures. And as most, then came anime, kept doing notebook comics and sketching manga. Learned two languages to watch cartoons, as a former USSR satellite the cartoons on tv weren't that good ( the good ones costed money ). So when we got cable i started watching saturday-sunday morning cartoon blocks on the deutch tv's, i got up at 6 am at the weekends to do that ( crazy ain't i ). And i kept drawing and expending my small universe. Then i had to choose what hightschool i'd attend and i chose one that i'd get a profession that will be abble to earn money ( sorta ). And i kept drawing, but working too that didn't left me with much time to improve the way i wanted, so sketching was all i did, no more comics no more concept art but i still drew ( sorta ).
And that brings me here 17 years later ( damn was it that long). Finally the display tablets got cheaper ( and i got money to spare ) and i got one at the start of 2021. Got a drawing program and well here i'm.
I've never shown my doodling to any one ( never felt they were that good and they aren't ), that is however up until this year ( is this an midlife crisis ... damn ) i'm still not happy how my art looks but perfection never was my thing, so i stopped trying to get it perfect but sorta-right instead ( you'll see ).
Found Mark's bald head and tried some of his advices from the youtube videos and what do you know they sorta worked ( for me everything sorta works ) so i got the Artschool program ( yes with the discount ... ) and started it a few weeks ago. Due to my workload i 'm still on gesture drawing.
My goals are simple:
- Get goodenough at drawing to actually say " Hey this looks good, i like it"
- Get some self esteem and courage to show my "creations" to more people.
- Get an improvement in my drawing skills to maybe MAYBE start doing commission work to pay off this "student debt"
This may seem some what selfish, but i'm not after fame and fortune ( not big any way ).
I don't know how much i can help any one exept by showing you guys that there is someone out there that is just as bad or worst at drawing then you.
So .. well this my introduction ... somewhat long ain't it ...
Now let's get down to business and show you what i've been able to do for the last few weeks.
some volume sketches ...
the above one's are first gesture drawings i did ... bad is putting it mildly
the rest with the references are the latest ... i finally got the idea to show you what the doodles are supposed to represent ...
some proportion practice ... the red is what i used to make the work easier for me ... i drew that every time i started a new proportion sketch and in the process erased it, i decided to show it so you could judge if i did it right or not so much
... about the pink ones ... oh crap ... well you see ... ah never mind ... do your worst
Well this is it for now ... i hope to see some feedback. Don't know if i can give any.
Jan 9, '23
last reply
Dec 31, '23