thanks I look forward to progressing and learning with you in art school

I decided I should probably do some cylinder practice critique is very appreciated.

I think it's clear that you made quite a bit of progress within those 3 weeks.

What I notice is, that your lines make the impression that you are quite tense. No need to hit the perfect line. I do like the imagery that was painted in one of the gesture drawing videos on Prokos Youtube: Imagine being a race car racing along the curves of the body.

I feel like you are a bit to focussed on detail here and there. You tend to draw in the muscles of the arms for example. What that tends to do is break the flow of the pose.

Another way I like to think about is: How can I make the longest possible line that still describes the pose?

Some examples:

thank you very much for the critique I will definitely try to be more loose with my poses and attempt to flow a little better.

Fantastic work! I'm still learning gesture but I try to push the movement until it breaks, then bring it back just a small amount. Loving your work!

These are a combination of measure drawings over time as I have made it habit to do one a day recently.

They look pretty good in terms of proportions to me. What i don't like is your linework in some places, it looks a bit hesistant. Particularly for this exercise I think a bit more finish would help, there should be no ambiguity where a line is placed

Also it would be cool to add numbers to the drawings, makes it easier to track your progress (especially for us followers =)). Can't wait to see the next 7.

thank you for advice I'll definitely take a little more time from now on tho clean up the line work and be more certain. I also hope you have a great rest of your day

This was one of my recent pieces I finished for an art gallery at my school, I'm still trying to figure out color and stuff like that but overall I think it turned out okay.

these are my new gesture drawings recently, I would really appreciate some critique as my poses aren't quite there for me they need something more like flow or simplicity.

I can see some definitive improvement over the set, so all in all you are going in a good direction.

There's a couple of things I noticed:

To add onto what I wrote onto the image: No need to draw in the peak that's produced by the ribcage protruding. In my oppinion that's a detail that's hindering the flow. Nice long lines symbolize the stretching that takes place in that area, contrasted by the pinching on the back.

Also, while blocking out the major shapes is not an error, I personally find that it makes my gestures more stiff.

That being said, gestures are a great place to experiment. Try all kinds of different approaches and find out what works for you.

thank you, I will try

I haven't been able to do much digital art lately since track just started but I've still been sketching a lot. This is some of my digital work lately as always critique is welcomed.

Dang Cody! These are really good! Great work, keep it up!

thank you that really means a lot to me. I'll keep improving

I know I haven't been to active lately but I've been drawing consistently in my sketchbook everyday. Im getting more used to using a digital art style and this is my 1 point perspective that I got done a while back critique is always appreciated.


I like the theme and storytelling quite a lot. There's a couple of issues I see though:

  1. Careful with your horizontal and vertical line. It's especially noticeable in 1-point-perspective when they are off, as they should be perfectly parallel instead.

  2. The backwall is incorrect. When trying to find the plane of the back wall (indicated by the blue arrows) you'll find that the size of the plane would be about what I painted in orange. I've also drawn in where your backwall would sit, if it were the size you drew it.

So basically, your room under the walkway would be inset into the backwall, but the beams on top indicate otherwise.

A way to avoid this is to follow the convergent, horizontal or vertical lines from points in space where the position is known (for example the corner or edges of the room.

Thank you very much for the critique, I never noticed the things you pointed out until now. although it did look a bit funny to me and I couldn't figure out why. But now I know and will apply this to later drawings, thanks.