Changed her arm, it felt too stiff? also finished the sword and fiddled with colours a bit

Looks good but I kinda wanna see that big head! waiting to see that now :smile:

@Hantor ahah that bit should have at least a tester photo tomorrow, depending if get my printer to work xD

Alright :smile: looking forward to it :blush:

so my printer ran out of ink -.- so i have a sketch of what it will look like when i actually managed to print her off xD

heres my tester one, gotta mess around with camera angles/ better camera tho so you cant see the tops of the wings xD

Very interesting! What a bizarre assignment haha. Looking good though!

ahah thanks, my college likes to give us assignments that will stand out to universities in a portfolio we had one activity that was drawing with a pencil in our mouths xD