hey guys this was the rough sketch of my piece. I'm currently working on building a portfolio for college.

This is the refined drawing

I then started working on the foreground I had a really hard time with the grass just because I've never painted grass.

after that I worked on the tree, its still not done but I just showing y'all where I'm at currently.

I would appreciate any type of feed back because I want to improve on my weaknesses and on any areas that I have missed :).

Quick update on how it's going.

I think I'm done I just wanna show y'all the end result. Please leave any feed back I would greatly appreciate it. If you feel that something is off or a area that I could improve please let me know.

So far I like this a lot. The only thing I can recommend is adding something on the left side of the illustration. I like how in the first sketch there was something there occupying the space at the top. Maybe adding some birds flying in the distance can work. You can also get fantastical to make the piece unique in a way. Totally up to you there. Maybe something else you can look to doing is adding more graphic breakup to the tree. Add some light shinning threw the leaves onto the characters can be a nice cliche thing to do. I'm bias, but, I always loved seeing that. Looking forward to more updates.

Reinforcing what @malcom said, adding something to break up your beautiful leaves in the tree would help you as well as putting something on the left side of the canvas, to balance your presentation. Some birds or some interesting clouds to follow the great Golden Ratio that you got going on in the piece.

Your grass is very good and I can say that whatever you struggled with has only helped you in the rendering of your grass and ground. Can't wait to see another update my friend.

Be well, be safe!

Thank you so much I really appreciate it! And yeah I also feel that the left side was missing something. I will definitely think of putting something there and I’ll try to add some spice to tree :smile:

8 days later

hi @jesusm99

I might be late to the party.

Great piece! Lots of effort put into this and you pushed yourself. I can tell.

Lets see if we can push your image a little further and you can take some stuff away for future projects. :smile:

Consider how your viewers are going to see your final image. Will it be print, phone, monitor, web, forum, tv screen? Old painters considered how far away people were going to stand from a painting, and we should consider this in our own modern way as digital painters.

I snipped this version off of my browser just so I could see the whole image. It's probably me and my 'old thyme' 1080p screen but i couldn't see the whole image scrolling through the forum Maybe if i was on an Ipad....but I don't own one.

I digress.

If we look at the image as a whole, the tree is obviously the focus. It is THE force in this image.

And to me this is getting into mural on a wall size print territory. Like a huge wallpaper sticker thing you know?

Looking at it....Do we need to be up in that tree? Is there something we are supposed to be seeing up there? Were you doing a tree study or kept adding space to the canvas accidentally and had to fill it?

It might hurt really bad. But as an art director I would say, "can we just crop it to this?"

I would continue to say, "This section is PERFECT! It's where all your love and time went, it has everything! Primary, secondary, tertiary focus, depth, story, It's great! Can we just show people this? Or is this tree really really important? "

HOWEVER if it was a book cover I could totally see it because you would need that sort of space for text.

But I don't think that is what you were trying to do.

lastly lets address the color, by adding some simple adjustments in photoshop. Lets bring up the yellow overall in the image, adjust the contrast and add some blue into that tree with a gradient set to overlay and opacity brought down a bit. The sky color is going to bounce around and be your reflective light everywhere.

I also see that you tried to do the light through the leaves thing and you had the right idea just had to push it and not be afraid of making the shadow.

Hope that helps. Again great follow through.

ahh yes I see what you mean, there's a lot of unnecessary attention to the tree. Also thank you for the little headers. It makes a lot of sense, I will definitely make those small adjustments before I submit it :smile: