I like how you used the green to describe his form and all his wrinkles but i think maybe a second lighting source or maybe also complimentary colors would help to make him feel more realistic and maybe you should refine some edges a bit more ^-^
-Hopefully I didn't sound rude/ harsh >-< keep it up ! :smile_cat:

Don't worry about it, i'll take all the help I can get. :smile: Thanks for your input! I think I attempted a second light source but I got really lazy about it.

Cool work, dude! I like all the anatomy and values you've got going in this piece. You might want to try using a more saturated color for the shadows, like a dark purple or blue, but that's up to you. The main thing I see missing is rim light. I did a really quick paintover to demonstrate.

I just took a small white round brush and highlighted a few edges of the orc's anatomy (only in important places where we want the viewer to focus, like the face).

After that, I used the same brush in black to emphasize the shadows between the folds of skin. Then I added some freckles to break up the skin tone. And...that's it :smile: Super quick and easy trick to have up your sleeve.

Hope that helps. You're off to a great start!

Holy moly man, Thanks for the tips! DIdn't expect someone to do a paintover, but that really helps me visualize what the pic needs. These seem like super simple little tweaks, but they made a big difference! Thanks a lot :smiley:

Sweet portrait, dude! Agree with all that was said above. I would also suggest desaturating the green a bit and keeping it saturated around the face to make his face really pop. You can also add some texture around his skin like pores, bumps, wrinkles, etc. Awesome work!

Desaturating makes a lot of sense, dang. I'll keep all that in mind when I get back to this piece, thank you for the input! I super appreciate it :smiley:

Overall your values and forms are quite good. I did a paintover of your piece that might help you a little bit:

My observations:

  • There seems to be two light sources, based on the shine on the back
    of his head, and the cast shadow created by his nose. I did the
    paint over based on this supposition.

  • First of all, I gave the elements of the portrait some hierarchy . I
    achieved this adding shadows to the less important parts, and
    lightened up the face which is the focus. Also, I blurred the zones
    near the shadows. Finally, I added more rendition to the face and
    tusks, which are meant to catch our attention.

  • I also removed the ear, since it shouldn't be visible by perspective.

  • I added some additional cast shadows, specially created by the tusks
    and lower lips.

I hope this helps :smiley:

Hey man, Thanks for the paintover! Sorry it took so long to get back, but your advice really helps and i've made changes. I'm gonna post it again soon for more insight. I really appreciate the paintover! :smiley:

17 days later

No problem. It was fun to do. Cheers!