I think she looks really nice! The only things bugging me are the hilt of the sword which look pretty flat. It almost look as thin as a piece of paper to me. And I think her hand holding the sword also looks too small.

Someone with more knowledge can probably give you better feedback, but other than these two things I mentionned I think you did a good job!

Thanks! I know it kinda bothered me before but I just couldn't really point out what's actually wrong with it. Thanks for pointing it out :smile:

She looks lovely! You did a great job! :smiley:

as a massive arms and armor nerd there are a few things I could nit pick at. Overall it is really great stylized character and your sheen you put on the metal is good and you have a handle on the lighting though a few nicks and scratches might give the armor a bit of character and indicate some usage to it but that's what I enjoy when I render metal for armor. the things that stand out to me are on the sword pommel, I think it ought to be thicker as a wheel pommel instead of being flat. I would also bring the breast plate a bit higher so it sits on top of the hips a bit more, coming from a practical concern that it would make it easier to move in as historical armor generally has the breast plate come down to just below the navel line that then often will have an attatched fold (the flaring skirt part), so there's the practical part but I also think it tends to look better that way personally.
All in all it's REALLY fun and I like it, it may sound like I was getting nit picky but it's hard for me not to ramble and get that way with armor as it is one of my personal obsessions.
great job keep it up, I wanna see this one finished!

Thanks for the feedback! I don't mind the nit picked-ness at all haha it's always fun to learn new things, and armors are something I'd like to know a bit more of. Unfortunately I think this project is finished, since I've spent too much time on this and feel like it's time to move on to another project. My next project does have some armor in it though.

Awesome, I have some good links to some youtube channels and facebook groups that are really good for armor reference.

Good sources that I like to use.

2 years later

these pictures. looks amazing and ............