Damn, those are really impressive!
I can immediately recognize the figures the moment I look at them and the lines are on point guiding my eyes throughout the flow of the line of action.
Good job, keep it going.

11 days later

ah I see where you were replying to now. To answer your question: everything there was done freehand, but I did use the undo function if i didn't like how smt turned out

Realized I haven't posted in a while so here are some other drawings I've done.
I've really been enjoying doing animal studies from reference and with some of Aaron Blaise's courses.

I also drew this tiger portrait for my mom's birthday, which was on the year of the tiger.

I started on my other perspective assignment, but it's been kinda boring so I've been procrastinating finishing it. I might just skip the last two for now because I feel like my perspective skills are good enough to move on.

Wonderful animal studies! Keep it up!

14 days later

Not really finished as well as I would like, but I just wanted to get it done.

So yeah, I'm going to skip the 2-point perspective street assignment for now and move on to term 2 material.

Term 2

Starting with some rough practice with basic forms I did in my sketchbook. Drawabox really helped in making these easier.

Daaang really loving these twisty shapes. I should check draw a box I had such a brutal time learning this at a basic level.

Nice bends and the cylinders are crisp i like it :+1:

8 days later

Nice work on the room in one-point perspective! That's what I'm working on now and it can be pretty tough! These shapes look so dynamic as well!

11 months later

Took a long break, mostly because I had to focus on school, but going to try and get back into it for the summer.
Here's my study/sketch of Simba :smile: where I did my best to copy this reference image.
Just saw the new Spiderman, so I'll probably do a study from that movie next.