When I discovered post packs for the first time I downloaded the free ones by Rachel Bradley to test it out. I really wanted to buy it for the 'taking the hood off ref'.

I then developed this as the basis for drawing my first OC I ever uploaded to the internet, when I was 13. 'The Phantom Hoodie', I know not a very original name, but just throwing that out there. Her real name is Alexis, but that's a long, long story. I was super afraid of using references back then, so didn't didn't give myself the grace to develop her further. I guess that's shows how far I've come.

I have to say I really appreciate how easy it is to upload here.
I've spend so long 'umming' and 'ahhing' over seeing something and wanting to draw it, but here I said 'Fuck it!'. I took my time and really enjoyed rendering this. It's also gave me some idea of how to rendering floating hair. Added some fishes. I feel the right one is more integrated than the upper-left corner. I have to figure out a way that the scanned images don't look so blown out.

Really loved the lighting in this posepack:

Though it would great to finally test out my toned tan paper! I bought the smallest size by accident, so never used it. Her bottom half is less rendered as the ref didn't include it, so I tried to ref based on my knowledge.

Used pose for Wonder Woman

This drawing I'm been working on for over a year. Many, many interations. I am planning on either finishing it now, later or redrawing once I have more skill. Finally got to a place where I'm happy with the face, the thing that's pausing me right now is how to depict patterns of water. I'm placing it here, so we know where I'm currently at.

Changed feet position, made hand more relaxed and rendered out dress with aid of reference.

10 days later

My Authority, but make 'em Cowboys project:
Jenny Sparks Angela Spica
Jack Hawksmoor

Shen Li Min Jeroen Thornedike

Jenny Q!
And finally Midnighter

I have an issue with not having my scanner made my images really blown out. Any tips? Or even how to edit in a program like Clip?

Started to experiment with more 'conceptual work' after some posepack studies. It remains to be seen if I'll continue this or move on to another version. Just remining myself to have fun and not everything has to become a finished piece. Have fun and explore!

The reference pic cut off at the end, so I had to 'fill in' what I thought the body looked like beyond 'the twist'. I think it looks off, any redlines/suggestions let me know.

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