Going to try and be consistent!
Will post my class doodles/sketches from my iPad Pro if need be.
For now, a few clothing studies and little sketches afterward!


As someone who knows nothing about fashion: these look really cool to me. The lady in the re jacket's face seems a bit off to me but that doesn't really matter if you're only focusing on clothes right now. Keep it up!
P.S. Love the colors
P.P.S. Nice wrinkles!

Why, thank you! Yeah, the red jacket lady doesn't seem feminine enough, haha. Will post more studies as time goes on! Also, INKTOBERRRR

10 days later

Recently finished a workshop with Benjamin Bjorklund and Blake Neubert over the weekend!
First time with oils and probably going to do much more..!

Some character studies, focusing on posing and rhythm.

Some more sketches, mostly from imagination this time!
Love drawing lady legs nowadays, quite odd enough haha.

Some poses, faces, clothing, a mix of everything. Cheers!

Working on a portfolio piece(s)! Starting with some thumbnails of various poses/structures.
Going to pick a few I really like and start the whole concept-ing process`

Couldn't sleep tonight so went on a whole painting vibe session-
Will continue working on the portfolio gal once I'm done with midterms this week. Cheers

Went ahead and picked the few thumbs that had potential and reiterated each 2x more.
Quite refreshing, can't wait to see what comes out of these!

Finished the thumbs of all 5! Now to explore thumbs for an illustration of a handful of these gals. Hype

Slowly coming together! Picked 6 of the above thumbs and establishing form/lighting.

I like your experiments with shapes :smile: not into fashion, but should probably study it more for my characters. Either way, cool stuff!

Oh hey! Thank you for the input :smile: Yeah, shape language is really key in pushing a character's design, go for it~

Your doodles and sketches are so fun! They have a really energetic feeling to them, keep up the great work!

Thank you kindly, nice to see you on CB again mate! It's nice to just have fun learning and painting/drawing..! :smiley:

10 days later

Sketches with my favorite brush rn! :wink:

Hey, nice sketches, but try to use not so transparent brush, when these transparent strokes overlap each other - it begins to look very muddy and unreadable. :wink: :octopus: