Term 1 Assignments - Perspective I

Welcome to ArtSchool Esteban! Your stuff looks really solid so far! Can't wait to see your progress!

Hello! welcome to the artschool! really loving your progress! keep up the great work your art is really good!

oh wow amazing work with photoshop! great colour fixes its almost exactly or exactly the same i love the japan photoshop a lot the scenery is like its really one! the face swap is amazing! they look really real! keep it up!

1 month later

Hello everyone!

This took me a while... but! I've been working on term 2, and here is my practice from the assignments from anatomy 1.

Also I did some head angles with full render (color) to practice even more :smiley:

If sb has some feedback, will always be really helpfull!

wow wow wowza! Really fantastic work, this is amazing! I don't have anything to add here these are fantastic!

1 month later

Hi everyone!

I finished the rest of the assignments of term 2, If I'm honest perspective took me a while (mainly in how to use it)

The Ps assignment was interesting with the shape monsters and the box cover.

As always if sb has some feedback, I really appreciate it

Now I'm working on term 3 (currently I'm in the clothes assignments)

Soon I'll been posting the progress!

This was a little experiment to see how the third v.point and the horizon line affect the objects

The pink arrow shows the light direction

Awesome! Doing little thumbnail studies of perspective is such a great idea.

hola from California : )