Hello and thank you for taking the time to read and respond to this. I'm getting ready to finalize the character and begin colorizing this artwork and would appreciate some feedback. I have a reference for the character and her face (which is a real person). Also, important to know, she is going to have a bunch of fireflies around her which is why she looks excited and in wonder. I'm going for a little bit of a whimsical, magical vibe here with the character caught off guard and a bunch of fireflies glowing around her like it's magic.

I appreciate your thoughts and feedback! Thank you

I would separate your values a little more before you begin adding color, you can do this by using the lasso tool to separate foreground middle ground etc and duplicating each then setting to lighten/multiply etc in layers and lowering opacity as needed. I think you'll get more from your colors this way.

nice work, very ambitious

I would agree about separating the values of the foreground, middle ground and background a bit more. And I would also tone down the textures of the rocks as they go further away. I think doing both of those things will help bring more attention to your character and give more depth to the scene.